If things go as expected next weekend and OU beats Oklahoma St., Mizzou will be playing OU in the Big 12 Championship game. That would create a great opportunity for Mizzou to do to OU what OU did to Mizzou last season---spoil its national championship hope. Better yet, I think UT would probably sneak into the national championship game if Mizzou beat OU, so we'd still have a representative of the Big 12 in the game.
I think Mizzou actually matches up better against Texas Tech, however. And, I don't think Tech fans will travel to KC for the game the way Sooner fans will. Consequently, I'll be pulling hard for Oklahoma State to pull off the upset in Stillwater next weekend.
Either game will be tough and the fans of both Tech and OU would make the journey. As a Texas resident I can tell you they love football and their dedication to their teams is very respectable. Further, Tech has never been in the big 12 championship so there fans will be jazzed to make the trip.
I am not 100% percent on whom the better match up is for our tigers, but I do know it will take a strong offensive showing no matter which team we play. The key to the game, as my friend Gastoaannnn has told me, is Chase Daniels. If Chase can show up for the game with his head on strait and ready to take responsibility for his play then we will have shot at beating any of the top 3 in the south.
As we have already discussed, I'm not 100% sure OU would be the Big 12 South representative. Currently, OU is behind UT in the BCS polls. OU would need to jump UT with a win over Ok St, which is plausible because Ok St. is ranked higher than TAMU (which UT will presumably beat).
Whoever we play, we will need Chase Daniel to make good decisions. Daniel cannot force as many throws. Daniel cannot let the ball "hang" in the air as long. Daniel cannot throw as many picks as he has in the past 5 games.
First things first: kU
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