As the football season winds down The Trifecta will slowly start to turn its attention towards the upcoming 2009 Royals season. In preparation for the Royals season, The Trifecta has decided to introduce a game to see exactly how big of a Royals fan you are. Each week The Trifecta will post a picture of a Random Kansas City Royal. If you are the first person to name that Royal (by posting in the comments section), you will win one icey cold Boulevard Beer courtesy of your friends at the Trifecta. You should also add something interesting you remember about that Royal for bonus points.
Credit goes to Kurt Outrageous for inspiring the creation of this game with his text message battle to see who could come up with the most random Royals players of the last two decades. Thanks Kurt.
We'll start this week's Random Royal of the Week contest with the fella pictured above. Go.
Steve Farr
While we are talking Royals legends, check out the greatest shortstop of all time, and how he continues to lead the Royals to greatness:
Vega is the big winner. Nice work. Steve Farr was always a reliable relief pitcher. He had an akward delivery if memory serves me right.
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